Hollow knight download mac reddit
Hollow knight download mac reddit

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Void is emptiness, will without ego, and could thus contain the Radiance like a cage. The King once again sought a way to banish the Radiance, and so began experimenting with another power he found deep in the Earth: void. It slowly returned in the minds of the Pale King’s citizens, first as dreams and then as an orange disfiguring infection that transformed them into mindless slaves. The Radiance, however, would not be forgotten. He overthrew the Radiance and started his own civilization, convincing a tribe of moths to banish the Radiance to the realm of dreams. At some point, a new great power arrived in the form of the Pale King. In the world of Hollow Knight there was a civilization ruled by an entity called the Radiance. (Actually it is if we’re talking about how the insect denizens of its world record their history, but we’re not!) It’s set in chitinous shell, so we must take all these assumptions with a grain of salt. Like Dark Souls, Hollow Knight’s lore is not set in stone. This is where Hollow Knight comes in, as I believe it tackles similar existential issues with greater understanding, more appropriate harshness, and, to an extent, bravery.

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Its lore is just a little too opaque, scattered, and focused on the particles rather than the distance between them. In my opinion, Dark Souls does not achieve that embodiment very well. Some have compared this to the eventual heat-death of the universe, the natural trend towards entropy, which is of course a very interesting topic for a sword and sorcery video game to try and embody. Humanity begins to lose its power and its mind, returning to the dark verminous state where it started. Eventually, without the stone scales to contain it, the fire begins to fade. They build civilizations with it, enriching their lives beyond measure. Thanks to a traitor in their ranks, the humans are able to slay the dragons and claim the fire as their own. The dragons contain the fire: possibly the greatest of all powers. In the world of Dark Souls, lowly humans live in a world of immortal dragons with stone scales. Its habits of communicating lore via item descriptions and level design are a great influence on the industry, but one interpretation of its lore/themes is what’s relevant here. I’ve never been a fan of Dark Souls (its arbitrary difficulty and blunt mechanics annoy me), but I’ve always recognized the things it does well. Having seen an interview with Team Cherry, I know they did not consider the game Dark Souls to be a huge inspiration, but it is still very relevant to my discussion and provides an excellent frame for Hollow Knight’s thematic success, so I’ll start there. Everything in here is just my opinion, and is subject to change as I learn and think more. Less poetically and viscerally put, I will dissect the game’s background lore and thematic elements to create a cohesive theory regarding its true meaning. In this post I’m going to dig into the game’s artistic innards and arrange them into a beautiful slimy ensemble I can parade about the internet in. With its twenty hour campaign, forty if you’re going for one hundred percent, immersive art and music, tight gameplay, and memorable characters, it has quickly become one of my favorite games of all time.

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Its art style is a melancholy mix of insects, Tim Burton, Studio Ghibli, and a few play-sets full of Gothic architecture. Warning: This post will discuss the video game Hollow Knight and its story in great detail it will be filled with spoilers.įor those of you who don’t know, Hollow Knight is a hand-drawn metroidvania action/adventure video game developed by Team Cherry as their first large-scale game.

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