Ghost orbs in videos
Ghost orbs in videos

ghost orbs in videos

Spiritual orbs of light are essentially defined as electromagnetic fields with their own energies, which allow them to materialize as a very faint light source. If this is the case, the speck will probably be blurred and undefined, not actually “orb” shaped. Now, these orbs of light sometimes appear if there happens to be dust particles floating around in the air, or if the lens on your camera isn’t clean. The technology of a camera involves light bouncing off objects in front of it, refracting and creating the image that gives you that cherished memory in the form of a photograph. If you take that example of a photograph with specks of light overlapping the image, you could be looking at one of two things. Are you seeing what you think you’re seeing?


If you’re interested in knowing what orbs of light actually are, how to spot them, and what they mean, then keep on reading. Although there isn’t exactly scientific evidence to back it up, the idea that a friendly (or maybe not-so-friendly) spirit is in your presence can be understood by learning more about common beliefs of the paranormal world.

ghost orbs in videos

Have you ever taken a photo of your family on vacation or friends around a campfire and discovered an unexplainable speck of light in the background? There is a lot of speculation as to what these orbs of light might be, but many believe that they indicate a visit from a spirit or angel.

Ghost orbs in videos